After hearing a sister in Christ succumb to her sickness....
To Those Who Went Ahead Of Me:
In as much as I will miss your presence here on earth, you don't know how much I envy you! You are now in heaven with Jesus. You feast as His table. You have fellowship with Him. You praise Him day and night without being distracted with the errands of this world.
You serve Him with your glorified body. No more aches and pains. None of the tiredness you used to feel. None of the sleepiness because you need to regain your strength. You can jump, skip, and dance as high and as fast as you like. Oh how I envy you!
You sit at His feet and bask in His glorious light! How wonderful it is!
For us who were left behind, we cannot help but shed tears of sadness for our loss. Your positive presence gave us inspiration amidst our trials. Your godly wisdom gave us hope. You were not much of a joker but I do remember the joy and laughter I experienced being with you. There were many!
And the food!! Oh boy, we love eating to a fault. When you would pass by my desk, more often than not, you would have snacks with you. You and your husband would share the best places you've been and the food to order. You will be missed!!
Death will no longer look as gloomy as it did because I look forward to the day that I will see you again in heaven.
You and the all the others who went ahead of me.