In this day and age, there are many kinds of weighing scales being used for various purposes. Some are used to measure density. Some are used to measure solid while others are used for liquid.
Weighing scales are also called many names depending on its function or usage. The strain gauge scale is mostly used in the kitchen, while the commonly seen retail scale makes sure that the weight you are buying is appropriate to the price you are paying.
But for me, the weighing scale I like best and always use is the old-fashion balancing scale.
No, I don't use it to weigh myself because it would take a truck to balance it with my weight. Nor do I use it to measure food: solid or liquid.
The thing I weigh most using this kind of scale are the decisions I make in life. With so many factors to consider in making just one decision, I need to carefully "balance" and "weigh" the pros and cons before deciding. This is where my favorite old-fashioned scale comes in.
In my previous blog, I mentioned that everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. This is true in making decisions because not all options are in black and white. Often times these come in shades of gray.
Like spending for instance. With the Christmas season just around the corner, I really enjoy giving gifts to others. However I need to ask myself, "Can I really afford giving gifts to all the people I know? Do I have the financial back up to spend?" On one side of the balancing scale, I'll maybe put "no gift" and on the other side of the scale I'll probably put "will she get hurt"? If my friend's or acquaintance's need for affirmation weighs heavier than not giving her a gift, then I'd include her in my budget. I praise God that most of my friends are not sensitive and they know I love them with or without a gift. :)
Again 1 Corinthians 10:23-24 says...
23 “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is constructive. 24 Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.
As I lead a small group of girls, I also share to them the same principle when it comes to making decisions. I ask them to make a mental list of the pros and cons of any decision that's in the "shades of gray" category. I ask them to look deep into their true motives before proceeding with any decision. Like who benefits more when you do or don't do this?
I realize that having a gauge is important because it made me realize I can be selfish and busy with things that are really about myself and not for others. Especially with areas that are considered shades of gray, I realize that some of my decisions seek my own good, but not the good of others. I hope the balancing scale works for you as it does for me, too when it comes to making decisions especially in the gray areas of life.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Good Friends Give Good Feedback
Last October 2, I met with some of my friends at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf in Greenhills. I really appreciated the effort they took to meet me at such short notice. I only called them during the day but they were able to make it that night.
This is what they reminded me.
1. You cannot please everyone.
2. Some people have more troubles than most.
3. We need to understand and accept our friends no matter how imperfect they are.
4. Assumptions can camouflage themselves as fact. Get your details right. Open up. Communicate.
5. We're getting old. Don't sweat the small stuff.
6. When you have it good, don't just let go.
I am reminded of a verse in 1 Corinthians 10:23-24 that says a person can do anything he or she wants but this doesn't necessary mean it's beneficial or constructive. No one should seek their own good but for the good of others.
Our pastor often tells us that we cannot control others but we can definitely choose to control our attitude and the way we react and act towards difficult people.
It was really a fruitful night.
My action plan: Take a deep breath. Sigh. Be more understanding and accepting. But most of all, learn to love.
Thank you to my beautiful and HONEST friends :)
This is what they reminded me.
1. You cannot please everyone.
2. Some people have more troubles than most.
3. We need to understand and accept our friends no matter how imperfect they are.
4. Assumptions can camouflage themselves as fact. Get your details right. Open up. Communicate.
5. We're getting old. Don't sweat the small stuff.
6. When you have it good, don't just let go.
I am reminded of a verse in 1 Corinthians 10:23-24 that says a person can do anything he or she wants but this doesn't necessary mean it's beneficial or constructive. No one should seek their own good but for the good of others.
Our pastor often tells us that we cannot control others but we can definitely choose to control our attitude and the way we react and act towards difficult people.
It was really a fruitful night.
My action plan: Take a deep breath. Sigh. Be more understanding and accepting. But most of all, learn to love.
Thank you to my beautiful and HONEST friends :)
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Trip to CCF Isabela
Last June 2012, I was blessed by God to go to CCF Isabela with Ptr. Joey Batungbacal and his wife, Ms. Cecille. Our department was giving a seminar to their members on the various services on Pastoral Care.
It was my first time to visit Isabela. Our hosts, Manong Manny and Manang Nida, graciously welcomed us into their homes. It was truly a bed and breakfast experience!

I didn't expect the people there to be so warm and on fire for God. They are hard working people and yet have time for what really counts, which is sharing Christ to others and helping each other grow in faith.
We also had a wonderful time fellowshipping with the ladies while Ptr. Joey was with the guys.
All the ladies were attentive in listening to God's message as Ms. Cecille teaches us how to do the Simply The Word method of studying the bible.
Here is a picture of Ptr. Joey with the guys. This picture was taken after Ptr. Joey gave the message during the sunday service.
My stay in CCF Isabela was truly a memorable one. The main atttraction for me was the love given by the people to welcome us there.
I'm reminded of Paul's journey as he visited the various churches in Corinthians, Ephesians, Galatians.... when he would refer to the brethen with warm and fondest endearments.
I don't know when I'd visit CCF Isabela again or if I'd ever meet the lovely people I met there in this lifetime. But one thing that comforts me is that when Christ comes again, I will surely spend the rest of eternity with them. :)
It was my first time to visit Isabela. Our hosts, Manong Manny and Manang Nida, graciously welcomed us into their homes. It was truly a bed and breakfast experience!
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At the wonderful home of Manong Manny and Manang Nida |

I didn't expect the people there to be so warm and on fire for God. They are hard working people and yet have time for what really counts, which is sharing Christ to others and helping each other grow in faith.
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Ms. Cecille with the ladies |
All the ladies were attentive in listening to God's message as Ms. Cecille teaches us how to do the Simply The Word method of studying the bible.
Here is a picture of Ptr. Joey with the guys. This picture was taken after Ptr. Joey gave the message during the sunday service.
My stay in CCF Isabela was truly a memorable one. The main atttraction for me was the love given by the people to welcome us there.
I'm reminded of Paul's journey as he visited the various churches in Corinthians, Ephesians, Galatians.... when he would refer to the brethen with warm and fondest endearments.
I don't know when I'd visit CCF Isabela again or if I'd ever meet the lovely people I met there in this lifetime. But one thing that comforts me is that when Christ comes again, I will surely spend the rest of eternity with them. :)
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Ode to Arugula

I so love ya
You might be bitter to the taste
but i will never put you to waste

So small i can put you in my pocket
You have this peppery fragrant smell
So distinct it's easy to tell
You're so rich in vitamin A
Every time I eat you, my eyes say yay!
Do go extinct? This is my favor
Oh arugula....
You make me sigh
I so love ya
I will never say goodbye
*Nearly 10 years ago, my friends invited me to go to a food trip with them to C's Italian Dining in Clark, Angeles, Pampanga. This was where I met the love of my palate, Arugula.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Sound of Music
"Music has charms to sooth a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak." - Act 1. Scene 1. The Mourning Bride, 1697.
I bought a classical CD that I was supposed to give to my friend, but in the end, changed my mind instead. I realized, my friend being a classical pianist, she can play all the songs in the CD herself. I opted to gift her with something else.
Good thing I changed my mind. The CD turned out to be a gem! Well, for me anyway...
So there I was on my way home from work, listening to the album. When I realized I was so happy and at peace. All that was lacking was a skip to my step as I got down the car to open the garage door. And I wondered. Could the reason be music?
Many studies will tell you that indeed music has the ability to affect one's emotional and mental being. The effect can be a positive effect or a negative one depending on the song being listened to. While some have the uplifting effect, other music elicits rage, anger, and depression.
But the narratives I like best about music is found in the bible.
1. When God's anointing on Saul was removed because of Saul's disobedience, an evil spirit started to torment Saul. So Saul asked his attendants to find someone who can play the lyre. And who should the attendants find? The ever so famous David who composed many of the psalms found in Psalms! When the lyre is played, Saul felt better.
1 Samuel 16:23 ..."David would take up his harp and play, then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him."
2. Did you ever wonder why we always start Sunday service with singing? I'd like to think it started many years ago when God's people often started a battle with the Levites singing songs of praise to God before actually hurting anyone.
Numbers 10:9 "When you go into battle in your own land against an enemy who is oppressing you, sound a blast on the trumpets. Then you will be remembered by the Lord your God and (be) rescued from your enemies."
3. And lastly, the ever famous story about the falling down of the Jericho wall.
Jericho 6: 2-5, 20 2Then the Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men. 3 March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days. 4 Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams’ horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets.5 When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have the whole army give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go up, everyone straight in.”
(One the seventh day) 20 When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city.
When we praise God with music and singing, something happens in the spiritual realms wherein our physical eyes cannot see, but our heart of faith envisions. Fighting doesn't always entail having a sword nearby. When we sing (and pray) we acknowledge that the battle is the Lord's.
Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones. (Isaiah 49:13)
Friday, May 4, 2012
The Good and Beautiful God 003
Chapter Three: God is Trustworthy
Soul Training Assignment: Counting Your Blessings
Fifi's Ongoing List of Blessings:
April 29, 2012
1. Roof over my head.
2. Food on the table.
3. Work that I enjoy.
4. Family.
5. Helpful and Caring Friends.
April 30, 2012
6. Office having aircon in this hot weather.
7. Having hot weather instead typhoons.
8. Driving a car with aircon.
9. Living in a tropical climate country.
10. Living in the Philippines.
11. Holiday May 1 which is tomorrow.
12. Eating good food.
13. Sleeping on a nice bed.
14. Watching cable TV.
15. Has internet access.
May 1, 2012
16. Having hands.
17. Having feet.
18. Having eyes that see.
19. Having ears that hear.
20. People who help clean at home every 2 weeks.
21. Staying at home all day.
May 2, 2012
22. Providence.
23. Leading a dgrp.
24. Mature and committed D12.
25. Kind and patient boss with his wife.
26. Hardworking assistant.
May 3, 2012 (Let's go to the specifics)
27. My mom who taught us the value of being responsible and accountable, of having integrity.
28. My sister who's so careful of offending other people and adjusts well to their differences.
29. My 2nd eldest brother who comes to our house when we need help even if he lives in Paranaque. (Special mention of cleaning up the smelly dead rat who got trapped in the bathroom of the spare room).
30. My eldest brother who is very masipag in his job and doing errands for his family.
31. My sisters-in-law and brother-in-law who adjusts so well with our family's crazy jokes and antics.
32. My nieces and nephews who are very obedient and who always go with the flow without complaint when we have family outings or gatherings.
May 4, 2012
33. My D12 leader who rarely gets mad and is so patient with her D12 members.
34. My dgrp members who lovingly accepts me for who I am and who graciously forgives my short comings and faults.
35. Having office mates who have the teamwork mentality and quickly help even if its not part of their job description.
36. Having abundant water. (Imagine if we didn't have water in this heat.) *Trivia: Did you know that Singapore doesn't supply their own water? They need to import their water from Malaysia.
37. My every so patient boss who encourages instead of criticizes when I need rebuke.
38. My one and only Jesus Christ who gave His life for me so that I can be free.
39. My Abba Father whom I can always be a Papa's girl to Him.
40. The Holy Spirit who convicts me of sin and who empowers me to obey God.
Why only 40?
The world would not have room for the many things I am very thankful for!
Thank you God!
Soul Training Assignment: Counting Your Blessings
Fifi's Ongoing List of Blessings:
April 29, 2012
1. Roof over my head.
2. Food on the table.
3. Work that I enjoy.
4. Family.
5. Helpful and Caring Friends.
April 30, 2012
6. Office having aircon in this hot weather.
7. Having hot weather instead typhoons.
8. Driving a car with aircon.
9. Living in a tropical climate country.
10. Living in the Philippines.
11. Holiday May 1 which is tomorrow.
12. Eating good food.
13. Sleeping on a nice bed.
14. Watching cable TV.
15. Has internet access.
May 1, 2012
16. Having hands.
17. Having feet.
18. Having eyes that see.
19. Having ears that hear.
20. People who help clean at home every 2 weeks.
21. Staying at home all day.
May 2, 2012
22. Providence.
23. Leading a dgrp.
24. Mature and committed D12.
25. Kind and patient boss with his wife.
26. Hardworking assistant.
May 3, 2012 (Let's go to the specifics)
27. My mom who taught us the value of being responsible and accountable, of having integrity.
28. My sister who's so careful of offending other people and adjusts well to their differences.
29. My 2nd eldest brother who comes to our house when we need help even if he lives in Paranaque. (Special mention of cleaning up the smelly dead rat who got trapped in the bathroom of the spare room).
30. My eldest brother who is very masipag in his job and doing errands for his family.
31. My sisters-in-law and brother-in-law who adjusts so well with our family's crazy jokes and antics.
32. My nieces and nephews who are very obedient and who always go with the flow without complaint when we have family outings or gatherings.
May 4, 2012
33. My D12 leader who rarely gets mad and is so patient with her D12 members.
34. My dgrp members who lovingly accepts me for who I am and who graciously forgives my short comings and faults.
35. Having office mates who have the teamwork mentality and quickly help even if its not part of their job description.
36. Having abundant water. (Imagine if we didn't have water in this heat.) *Trivia: Did you know that Singapore doesn't supply their own water? They need to import their water from Malaysia.
37. My every so patient boss who encourages instead of criticizes when I need rebuke.
38. My one and only Jesus Christ who gave His life for me so that I can be free.
39. My Abba Father whom I can always be a Papa's girl to Him.
40. The Holy Spirit who convicts me of sin and who empowers me to obey God.
Why only 40?
John 21:24-25
24 This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true.
25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
The world would not have room for the many things I am very thankful for!
Thank you God!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Laboring on Labor Day
At a whim, some of my friends were convincing each other to go to Baguio last night since today is Labor Day holiday and we don't have work. I was so tempted but I decided to decline since I really had something else planned today.
1 Corinthians 10:23 “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is constructive.
I'm so glad I decline! Look how I spent my time today. I cleaned my closet. It looks so neat. Hmmm..... I should have taken a "before" picture so you can see how awful it looked.
Additionally, since I cleaned up my stuff, I have a basketful of old clothes that I can give out.
I also did some laundry too before cleaning up my closet.
So happily productive today!!!
1 Corinthians 10:23 “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is constructive.
I'm so glad I decline! Look how I spent my time today. I cleaned my closet. It looks so neat. Hmmm..... I should have taken a "before" picture so you can see how awful it looked.
Additionally, since I cleaned up my stuff, I have a basketful of old clothes that I can give out.
I also did some laundry too before cleaning up my closet.
So happily productive today!!!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Cat and Dog Theology
Sometime ago, I heard of a book that captured my attention. Two reasons could be 1) I'm an animal lover and 2) I'm a Christian. The title of the book is Cat and Dog Theology by Bob Sjogren and Gerald Robison. My interest was piqued.
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Kidding aside, most of us tend to switch between the dog and cat personalities, depending on what the situation is. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water." The same goes for Christians who experience trials and testings in life. Our true character comes out.
However, when it comes toward our relationship with our true Master (Jesus Christ), we need to embrace the trust, loyalty, and faith of a child towards his Father. Many of us fail to realize that God is the ultimate loving Master who cares for our littlest and grandest of needs.
Hebrews 13:5 says Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
God indeed will never forsake us if we submit our lives to Him that He, above anything else, must come first. But many of us panic and refuse to wait for His goodness. As soon as problems arise, we ask God for the solution ASAP as if God existed to please and cater to us, and not the other way around. God created us for one and one thing alone. To worship Him and praise Him for who He is, for what He has done, and what He will continue to do in our lives.
Exodus 7:16 (God speaking to Moses) 16Then say to him (Pharaoh of Egypt), ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to say to you: Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the wilderness. But until now you have not listened.
Click here to read a short excerpt of the book.
"It is said that a dog thinks to itself regarding his master, “He feeds me, he shelters me, he cares for me, and he loves me. He must be god!” The cat makes similar observations but says “He feeds me, he shelters me, he cares for me and he loves me, therefore I must be god!"
Looking at my own life, the people I've met and continually meet, and even some that I've counseled, there is some truth to the statement above.
I created this short test for fun. Click this link to answer the Cat or Dog Personality Test.
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What was your result? Are you a dog or a cat?
Kidding aside, most of us tend to switch between the dog and cat personalities, depending on what the situation is. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water." The same goes for Christians who experience trials and testings in life. Our true character comes out.
However, when it comes toward our relationship with our true Master (Jesus Christ), we need to embrace the trust, loyalty, and faith of a child towards his Father. Many of us fail to realize that God is the ultimate loving Master who cares for our littlest and grandest of needs.
Hebrews 13:5 says Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
God indeed will never forsake us if we submit our lives to Him that He, above anything else, must come first. But many of us panic and refuse to wait for His goodness. As soon as problems arise, we ask God for the solution ASAP as if God existed to please and cater to us, and not the other way around. God created us for one and one thing alone. To worship Him and praise Him for who He is, for what He has done, and what He will continue to do in our lives.
Exodus 7:16 (God speaking to Moses) 16Then say to him (Pharaoh of Egypt), ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to say to you: Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the wilderness. But until now you have not listened.
I, for one, am listening and two, would always like to imbibe a Dog Theology towards my true Lord, Savior, and Master, Jesus Christ.
*Note: If this entry has touched you and you know God is personally talking to you, you might want to say a similar prayer like this: Dear God, help me to trust You more and more each day. Forgive me for those instances where I blamed You and demanded solutions right away. Help me increase my faith. I want to worship You and praise You with childlike faith. Amen.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Family Outing in Boracay
It takes a great event to gather great people for a cause. In this case, my mom's 70th birthday.
For the first time in almost 20years, we as a family, finally took time off to spend four wonderful days together in Two Seasons Resort Boracay.
Day 1 was spent shopping for basic groceries (which constitute 99% snacks and water) to fill our always hungry tummies.
Day 2 was an adventurous banca ride and walk towards the Crystal Cove Island. When the tides were high, waves would crash into this small hole splashing water all over you.

We also went snorkeling which was a first for my five (out of nine) pamangkins. Even the youngest who was only five years old refused to stay in the banca.
Day 3
More swimming of course! More posing for picture taking...

And of course, surprising my mom with a video presentation in the evening. Video was filled with messages and clips of her grandchildren singing and dancing.
Happy birthday Mom! We love you!
Day 4
Time to go home...... :(
I realize that spending moments with family is never a waste of time. Time flies so fast. Memories like these are worth treasures to keep.
For the first time in almost 20years, we as a family, finally took time off to spend four wonderful days together in Two Seasons Resort Boracay.
Day 1 was spent shopping for basic groceries (which constitute 99% snacks and water) to fill our always hungry tummies.

Day 3
More swimming of course! More posing for picture taking...
And of course, surprising my mom with a video presentation in the evening. Video was filled with messages and clips of her grandchildren singing and dancing.
Happy birthday Mom! We love you!
Day 4
Time to go home...... :(
I realize that spending moments with family is never a waste of time. Time flies so fast. Memories like these are worth treasures to keep.
Monday, April 16, 2012
The Good and Beautiful God 002
Chapter Two: God is Good
After reading the "assignment", a few images automatically crossed my mind. The above pictures were actual photographs I took many many years ago (year 2005 I think).
And the last picture, I took while on vacation. I can't remember where I was. Tagaytay? Cagayan de Oro? Baguio? Anyway, it isn't obvious in the picture but the street the dog was on was very very long. He was just sitting there. Alone but confident. Calm. At peace. I wondered, what could the dog be thinking? So I took his picture instead. :)
God's goodness can be seen through creation...
Romans 1:19-20 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Excited for this week's Soul Training!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Only God knows the number of our days
Job 14:5 says A person’s days are determined; (God has) decreed the number of his months and has set limits he cannot exceed.
The article below just proves it. God has decreed the number of months the jumper still has. And God has set limits on the number of days the fisherman has not.
The article below just proves it. God has decreed the number of months the jumper still has. And God has set limits on the number of days the fisherman has not.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
The Good and Beautiful God 001

As the author puts it, the book is a "curriculum for Christlikeness". At the end of every chapter you'd need to apply the main idea, journal your reflection at the end of the week, and share it with your accountability group (if you are all reading the book together).
Chapter One: Sleep
As early as day one of the first week, it surprisingly dawned on me that I was hard-headed. I couldn't believe it at first but the fact that I was resisting to sleep early as the book suggested made me see how rebellious I was.
1 John 2:16 says For everything in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--comes not form the Father but from the world.
I realized I was becoming worldly. Almost every night, I'd sleep at two o'clock in the morning. I know it does nothing for my health but I didn't mind. What surprised me last night was when the Holy Spirit reminded me to sleep early, I actually said no, I didn't want to. Then I suddenly realized how stubborn and anarchistic I was.
In a way, week one day one was successful because it made me see how not of a good person I really was. It made me see my true self and not the good person I thought myself to be. Additionally, I slept 12:00 midnight, instead of my usual 2am. Not there yet but it's a start.
Anyway, it's almost 12mn again. Time to go to sleep!
Note: The Good and Beautiful God is the beginning of a series of three books by the same author. The second is The Good and Beautiful Life. And the last of the series is The Good and Beautiful Community. The book is published locally by OMF and costs P250.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Smarty Pants also known as THE RAT
Meet Stuart Little's cousin. I call him Smarty Pants. Unfortunately, Smarty Pants isn't our pet. He (I assume it's male) fell off the roof and into our aquarium garden. I call it an aquarium garden because the top has an open roof and it sits in the middle of the house surrounded by 3 walls and one glass door. So there was Smarty Pants, trapped inside the aquarium garden since Sunday without a way of getting out. Or so I thought. By the way, the picture on the right is an actual picture of him on top of a ladder.
I never realized rats were THAT smart. Now I know after doing a little reading.
In a famous experiment, Pavlov taught dogs to associate dinner with the sound of a bell. The dogs would salivate whenever a bell rang regardless of whether food was given to them. This indicates that a dog considers a simple association of events happening closely in time to be necessary.
In the new experiment, the rats were also taught to associate a sound with food. But then, instead of just listening to the sound, they were allowed to provoke the sound themselves. The researchers found that when the rats produced the sound themselves they didn't go to look for food. Thus, it is clear that they understood that food is not necessarily associated with the sound. And if they had caused the sound, it was obvious to them that food would not be available - because they weren't the cause behind the distribution of food.
"When it rains, you expect that both your lawn and your neighbor's lawn will be wet," says Michael Waldmann, an experimental psychologist at the University of G�ttingen, Germany, "but if you water your lawn, you wouldn't expect your neighbor's to also be wet. And this is the type of reasoning the rats are using."
Well you guessed it. Today, Smarty Pants ate through the wooden panel of one of the walls and got out. Just as I was placing the rat trap inside the aquarium garden, I saw the wood chips on the floor. That's when I had my "Uh-oh and Oh No!" moment.
Now my mom and I are trapped inside closed doors. Every room we go into, we can't leave the door open anymore for fear that Smarty Pants might get into one of the bedrooms.
If Smarty Pants can just talk, he'd probably say, "Look who's laughing now!"
Well, we'll see! Tomorrow my mom will get in touch with the pest control. Let's see who's laughing by then!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Thankful for my Dgrp
Kahit hindi kami nag lesson, it was good meeting again with Prex, Bel, Lorrie, and Malou this afternoon for dgroup.
Women are really relational. Sharing stories is what bonds them. While for men, it's activities that bonds them... like basketball or playing sports.
Women are really relational. Sharing stories is what bonds them. While for men, it's activities that bonds them... like basketball or playing sports.
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